
XY Anka Mierzejewska
19 maja - 2 czerwca 2018
Galeria M Odwach

To celebrate the European Night of Museums 2018, we are happy to invite you to the opening of the exhibition of paintings by XY Anka Mierzejewska, titled “odnicnierobienia”, which could be translated as “fromdoingnothings”

What is it about: Life = Battle?
The “odnicnierobienia” exhibition presents the process of changing one’s mind.
I thought about game as a metaphore – we play life. 
We set ourselves up in different ways.
We play roles.
We have some advantages from playing those roles. And costs. 

I thought of life as predatory, ruthless, hostile.
I thought life was a battle, dressed in socially acceptable rules – a game.
I saw life as a burden I have to carry.
Life as an act of heroism.
I was dealing with it like with an enemy.

On first impulse, I let out my emotions, fear, anxiety, uncertainty and fear out of me. I painted a face covered with hands. Syringe with soothing agent.

On second impulse I stood up  to fight with it. I painted Jockers, who cope in every situation, they are superheroes, called upon to help in impossible situations. They are able to replace any card in the deck.
In the third phase I started to look for wise solutions. I painted hands solving intellectual puzzles – Rubik’s cube.
In the fourth stage, I found solutions that could carry me. Increase the energy level. Raise the mood. Support. To make sense. Set goals. These are power cards. That is what I share with you. It is a relationship (paintings with hugging). It’s like being in a group that supports you (paintings with hens). It is drawing from nature (paintings with hens). It is rich imagination (Pippi Langstrumpf, i.e. paintings with a horse). It is happiness – as a permanent state, into which the mind can be set (image with clover). It is sport and carefree fun (a boy and a girl with a hula-hoop).

The world is changing from doing nothing. This is the slogan of Edyta Borzymowska. Edyta says that reality is created in the heart and the process of creating this exhibition is a proof of that.-XY



Durning the Night of Museums – Saturday May 19th, our gallery will be open from noon until midnight, so whenever you decide to pop in is great!

The opening of the exhibition and meeting with XY Anka Mierzejewska will start  at 8 pm. 

The exhibition will be open from the 19 May until 2 June 2018.

Photos below by Olga Jasnowska.

This project has been co-financed by the City of Wrocław – thanks!


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